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Commercial Development Section

  1. Assist and advise Feature Commercial Districts; organize promotional activities.
  2. Promote Taipei’s city theme marketing campaigns.
  3. Defending the rights of Consumers

Registration Section

  1. Company Registration
    • Governing business registration of corporations.
    • Issuing copies of company registration records and qualification reviews.
  2. Business Registration
    • Governing business registration of corporations.
    • Issuing copies of company registration records and qualification reviews.
  3. Public liability Insurance Affairs

Regulatory Section
Business Inspection and Administration

  1. Administration for Eight Special-Purpose Businesses, Electronic Game Businesses and Internet Cafes
    In order to protect consumer safety, the city government will periodically inspect the above businesses during the year. In addition, those businesses will continue to be listed for administration and inspection under the business laws and regulations.
  2. Inspections and Penalties for Violating Business Laws and Regulations in accordance with Business Registration Law, Regulations for the Establishment of Electronic Game Business and Regulations for the Administration of Internet Cafes in Taipei.
  3. Guidance to Businesses that Previously Violated Business Laws and Regulations in Order for Them to Become Legal
    Since May 5, 2000, the city government has promoted a “Guidance Program for Businesses That Have Violated Laws and Regulations.” In order to decrease the number of unlicensed businesses, protect the interests of consumers and legal businesses, and promote commercial activities in the city, guidance and administration will continue to be executed simultaneously.
  4. Conduct spot checks, advice, and promote the practice of commodity labeling for merchandise in the market.

Assistance and Advisory Section

  1. Devise strategies for business/commercial district development.
  2. Assist and advise Feature Commercial Districts; organize promotional activities.
  3. Promote Taipei’s city theme marketing campaigns.(Taipei Lunar New Year Festival)